
For A Great Work, LLC


“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.” (proverbs 20:1)

Today, we are going to examine the words “wine and strong drink” and how it relates to the practical and biblical principles for “Spiritual” growth. In essence,“wine and strong drink” is a controlled substance. A “controlled substance” is defined as a drug or chemical substance whose possession and use is controlled by the law. Wine is defined as a liquor or beverage prepared from the juice of any fruit or plant by a process similar to that for grape wine, currant wine, gooseberry wine, palm wine, and sherry wine; Fermented; A solution made from opium--an addictive narcotic extracted from seed capsules of the opium poppy seed; A spirit with an intoxication effect. Strong drink is defined as a distilled liquor; A hard drink; A hard liquor (brandy, gin, vodka, whiskey, tequila, and rum); Booze; Firewater; and A spirit. In the business world, it is called “substance abuse” a key component leadership of successful organizations must deal with to foster an environment of health and well-being. The intervention program known as Employee Assistance Program, now is used to assist employees with personal problems and/or work-related problems such as “substance abuse” that may impact their job performance, health, mental and emotional well-being. Hence, the goal is to foster an environment of growth and human sustainability.

In the context of the scripture, King Solomon left on record for all people and leadership following him, the importance of not letting society dictate or control environments indulging in wine and strong drink because of the “spirit” and effect it has on the mentality of a person detouring them from their full potential. For instance, personally, I call this "Know-Courage-Ask-Act.” It is the ability to recognize and know the state you are in will only lead to destruction, the courage to ask for help, and move forward for the greater. Thought to ponder: Your “heart” to change for the greater gives you the ability, mentality, courage to fight for change, transforming yourself into a message of hope; Relying on God for total deliverance. Keep in mind, wine, strong drink, and controlled substance is a "spirit" leading to substance abuse.

What lessons can be learned about “wine and strong drink” “controlled substance” and “substance abuse?” There are five (5) important lessons. Discovering the “Truth” in “Know” and “Seek

Lessons Learned About Wine, Strong Drink, Controlled Substance, and Substance Abuse:

  1. Know wine makes a person become as a mocker because of the control substance affect. It detours one's thinking capacity. Mocker is referenced as deceiver, imposter or scorner. So, it takes on the characteristic of being a deceiver or copycat to detour from the original state of someone, to control the environment. (Seek Help with Courage to Change)
  2. Know strong drink is a brawler that will lead a person to become a fighter, to lose one's mind, belligerent or nuisance. You will not know where you are from strong drink. It will have you act in unseen ways and compete in acts you would not normally do. (Seek Help with Courage to Change)
  3. Know anyone who indulges in wine or strong drink, simple, is not wise. There are no if, and, or but. There is no in between. The good thing about the LORD Jesus, He gave each of "US" from birth, the ability to choose between right or wrong. Sometimes, an individual may be in a situation because of abuse, trauma, or the environment. But, God looks at the heart! (Seek Help, Make Choices of Wisdom)
  4. Know wine or strong drink will have you to lose your value and worth in yourself. Henceforth, leading you away from the plan and life God has for you. Each one of "US" has a special purpose on this earth. Change your mentality of thinking. (Seek Help, Throw it Away, You Have Purpose!)
  5. Truth, society as a whole use wine, beer, and strong drink as a mechanism to control the environment (Geographical areas, governments, churches, homes, and workplaces). It controls a person's identity of who they are. It is used at social events to see how you will act to control you (They are looking at you). You have to be watchful who you entrust yourself to. You have to be watchful who you entrust your children to. When your children go off to college, be careful, and make sure who you entrusted your child to, is that person. Be part of your child's life away at college. (Seek Help and Value Life)

In closing, transparency revealed of my life, to save a life. God is mindful of you this very day. God looks at the heart and willingness to repent to be delivered.  Remember, an environment of life is a progressive climate and culture of growth. Change your environment if needed. Change your view if needed. Change your courage if needed. Speak life, grow, and lead! “You Have Value!” “You Have Purpose!"From My Heart To Your Heart!"

Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus,

Lady Cynthia R. Kelly
God’s Humble Servant
Evangelist - International Author

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  • Motivational Wisdom Episode - Wine & Strong Drink11:13