Today's Devotional, James 2:14, "Faith Without Good Works"

"What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?" (James 2:14)

The answer to the question the Apostle James asked, is definitely "NO" you cannot have faith without works. What does the scripture contexts in James Chapter 2 teach us? Faith without works is dead.

Abraham in (v. 21) was justified by faith as a Godly example for everyone. He offered His son Isaac on the altar as a sacrifice because the LORD told him. I can image how Abraham felt knowing he himself would sacrifice his beloved son on the altar in obedience to God. It was a life-changing moment for Abraham as he walked his son Isaac to the altar. Isaac asked the question, who is the sacrifice? Abraham response was God will provide the sacrifice (Genesis 22:6-8).

The LORD expects every "True Believer" and people ready for the salvation of Jesus to walk in faith and walk in action. We may not understand everything, we don't see God's total plan for our lives, but we just have to be obedient, and start "good works" for the plan of God to be manifested in our life. There are different levels of "Faith," and "Testing," but as we walk in obedience God will provide. 

Early this morning, the Godhead (God the Father, Son--Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost) brought something precious back to my memory. It was a picture of my four granddaughters taking a walk. The picture only showed the princesses from behind walking with their hands holding each other, all together on the same path. They were on a predestined journey not knowing what would really be at the end. But walking on a mission. The scripture says, "And a little child shall lead them." (Isaiah 11:6). 

Well, my granddaughters were an encouragement sent from God to keep on walking in "Faith" and continue in "Good Works."

In closing, I leave this thought with you, "Faith and testing are coupled together, walking in obedience produces every good work, leading to the Divine Provisions of God." Expect greater for the sacrifice!

Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus,

Lady Cynthia R. Kelly
God's Humble Servant
Evangelist - International

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