Scripture Context: Matthew 26:36-46, Luke 22:39-46, Matthew 27:45-46
Beloved Friends,
The Godhead (God the Father, God the Son—Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost) brings a word of instruction, encouragement, power through prayer, purpose, authority, revelation, and salvation for the Global Church Body of Jesus Christ, every “True Believer,” and all people across the world ready for the manifested salvation and glory of Jesus Christ. From the scripture context in reverence of Holy Week, our greatest example of prayer, is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ the only reigning King of Kings with all power in His hand over earth and in Heaven given by Father God.
Today ‘s message scene has been set with Jesus Christ at the forefront in “Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane” praying to His Father--God for strength to bear His cross of purpose.
Let us take a journey of instruction and power by example from Jesus Christ:
There are nine lessons from the scriptures revealing the revelation in Prayer and Power of Prayer which Jesus Christ teaches us all.
Nine Lessons from Jesus Christ
Concluding, with Jesus Christ as our example in Prayer. Prayer requires an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ for direction, counsel, and strength. Prayer reveals spiritual weaknesses within us. Prayer exposes the enemy. True Prayer transforms us into the Will of God. Prayer commands the intercession and power from the Kingdom of Heaven manifested in our lives on earth.
Let “US” pray and keep this perspective, “O Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."
Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus Christ,
Lady Cynthia Kelly
God’s Humble Servant
Evangelist – International Author
#MotivationalWisdom Podcast Host
For A Great Work, LLC