
For A Great Work, LLC

  • Motivational Wisdom Straight-Talk - Jealousy13:39

#MotivationalWisdom Straight-Talk Episode - Jealousy

"Wrath is cruel and anger a torrent, but who is able to stand before jealousy?" (Proverbs 27:4)

Today, I am going to start with this quote the Lord gave to me, “The jealousy of a man or woman can never be trusted. For the fury is ultimate death.” Just reflect on this for a moment. Now, jealousy has three references: The jealousy of God (Deut. 4:24); The jealousy of a man or woman toward sovereignty in marriage in an uncontrolled aspect of sharing the mate with another (Song of Solomon 8:6); and The jealousy of evil—intertwined with control to death, to manipulate a person or environment (Proverbs 27:4). The latter is jealousy with a root of envy and deception. The reality, this type of jealousy is visible and invisible in many forms. But, at one point the root is revealed with a magnifying glass. Therefore, the metaphor gives one standing before a judge of envy without hope. In the context of the scripture, there are five important things to remember in overcoming, avoiding, and taming a person or environment with jealousy which first starts with evaluation, release, and moving forward to preserve human life with purpose. Take note, if a person heart is true to change for the greater in truth, change will come in truth.

Life Lessons to Remember

  1. Jealousy compared to wrath is death because the intentions pursues grave-like environments of darkness. Avoiding light of truth
  2. Jealousy compared to anger is death with manipulation of the environment. With this image—if anger is like a stream of violent waters; then jealousy must be a reservoir with waters of death
  3. Jealousy is an imitator of the main target to bring a blindness to the seers for lack in oneself or competitiveness. In other words, “You cannot be part of this environment, but I will imitate everything you do to gain control or likeness.” Jealousy at this level, envies the person gift, in the “why or how” can this person convey such character
  4. Jealousy—this type is a spirit of Satan, a perpetrator, and works through people to fight for unjust causes, to gain control of reality, to stop positive growth and development. Envy is present in the visible and invisible
  5. Jealousy reveals the character of a person and limits one will go to control or deceive. It takes on a co-dependency mechanism of pleasure and fear in the environment.

Think of it this way, the conception of this type of jealousy is harmful and deadly in the environment and people. Two defining words in describing this type of situation “Playback and Payback.” Playback - The act of playing a mental recording again in order to hear or see something again with clarity. Payback – An act of revenge or retaliation. With this in mind, jealousy conception bridges jealousy deception, jealousy deception bridges a positive--negative perception. Therefore, deeming the ultimate fury of revenge or retaliation. The question, “Is what type?” Can it be trusted? Absolutely not, it exceeds the measurable scale of one to 10.

Let’s look at an example of jealousy conception, deception, and perception from the two women whom came before King Solomon to render a judgment of whom should receive a child. (1 Kings 3:16-27). The two women were in the same house and both gave birth to a male child. One of the woman child died from her lying on it during sleep. This woman with jealousy-envy in her heart takes the living child from the other woman and puts the dead child in the woman bosom. She takes the living child as her child. So, we have these two women standing before King Solomon to render a judgment—who was the child mother. At some point, King Solomon, decides he would take a sword and divide the child in half, to give half to each woman. What was the outcome?  The real mother pleaded with King Solomon not to divide the child because she knew it would be death and give it to the other woman. On the other hand, the woman with jealousy in her heart, says, “Let him be neither mine nor yours, but divide him.” Truth was revealed. King Solomon answered, “Give the first woman the living child, and by no means kill him; she is his mother.”

REFLECT:  At this level, you have either two choices to accept the truth or succumb. This is what is called, the grow-up, overcome fear, tame yourself, and tame the environment to move forward in positive growth. It is reality, you will never be able to please everyone. We may never know why people pursue evil over good. But, it is the ability not to lose focus on individuality purpose to move forward in life to make a positive impact, not die, and live. You will experience opposition, hurt, and disappointment; however, the “Truth” will set you free and push you to pursue purpose in life.

I leave this with you. We all have to experience this type of jealousy some point in life. How will you respond? It is my hope; you will not become an agent or recipient. Ask for Godly wisdom as King Solomon to discern and overcome in victory to make the right choice(s). Stay calm, move forward. Take this life lesson learned from experience and Biblical application to accept truth and move forward. Do not become a people pleaser, do not become subjected to evil, losing purpose in life.

In closing, what reality do you see? What will you choose to do? Which crossroad will you take?  Shift up to get a clear view!Shift up to see reality!Turn-around!Shift up!Turn-around!Shift up! Turn-around! Shift up!

Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus,

Lady Cynthia R. Kelly
God's Humble Servant
Evangelist - International Author
Host Motivational Wisdom Podcast

eLearners and Podcast Learners, 948, 2018-2022. For Booking Motivational Speaking Engagements and Workshop Facilitation of Episode, contact or (925) 392-5005