
For A Great Work, LLC

Today's Devotional, Mark 4:19, 13-20, "A Seed of Life."

This devotional is a message of instruction, encouragement, love, and growth to empower people to be a witness for the Kingdom of God, in the Global Church Body of Jesus Christ, the family units, educational systems, governmental systems, and law enforcement systems, to make a difference and impact to 
sow"A Seed of Life.

What would happen if we start thinking of our children, youth, and young-adults as "Seeds of Life?" From just a seed some of the most beautiful trees on this earth is grown with branches spreading abroad, birds and butterflies come to flock on trees. One of the smallest seeds in the world is a mustard seed that takes a magnifying glass to see the size, color, and structure. Some people think a mustard seed only grows to be plants. But in actuality, a mustard seed grows to be one of the largest trees in the world, branches spreading aboard, and people come from all over the world to view a mustard seed tree. When the mustard seed is cultivated in the right environment it will begin to grow in three to 10 days, producing a seed of life, beauty, and enormous growth.

In the parable of the 
"Sower" Jesus was teaching by the sea and a great multitude gathered to hear Him teach. Jesus begins with listen and behold. The Listen was with an explanation point of excitement and authority to focus the multitude to listen to the parable to gain insight of a sower with a heart of compassion, love, and growth for the greater. Jesus talks about the seeds that fell by the wayside, on stony ground, and amongst thrones. The seeds were devoured, scoured, and choked out. But, other seeds fell on good ground and yielded a crop of increased and produced some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some hundred (Mark v9). He proceeds to say, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." 

After the multitude went away, the disciples asked Him about the parable because they did not understand it themselves. Jesus asked the question as in unbelief the disciples asked Him being in the very midst of His teaching. "Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables? It was with simplicity that Jesus taught the multitude so even a child could understand. Jesus explained to the disciples the sower sows the word. What word?  The Word of God---life, truth, and love.  The word of life, truth, and love sown, Satan comes to take the word and destroy the seed of life.

By the Holy Ghost, a deeper revelation was revealed to me for both a practical and spiritual meaning. We have been taught only to focus on the seed that fell on good ground yielding an increase. But, what about the seeds that fell by the wayside, on stony ground, and amongst thrones? There are six important lessons to learn from the context:

Six Important Lessons In Sowing "A Seed of Life."

  1. All seeds are important and will produce if cultivated in the right environment. A seed not growing, is not in the right environment
  2. Snatch up the seeds by the wayside before they are destroyed
  3. Snatch up the seeds on stony ground, those areas, hard to walk amongst to extend love and compassion
  4. Snatch up the seeds amongst the thrones to revive with life back into the Kingdom of God
  5. A great multitude of harvest of seeds of life was restored before destroyed
  6. Because of a heart of compassion, love, and growth the wayside seeds, stony seeds, and seeds amongst thrones begin to produce a greater harvest for the sower because the "Sower" seen the value of all the seeds.

In closing, our children, youth, and young-adults are "Seeds of Life," the Global Church Body of Jesus Christ is commissioned to evangelism as sowers with seeds of life in our families, churches, and communities. A church without youth and young-adults is dead. Think out-of-the-box, if you get the children, you reap a harvest of families. But, what do you have to minister to the families on the natural and spiritual to produce a greater harvest of growth with life for the Kingdom of God? Don't  let any opportunity pass you by with just a social event when you can make a life-changing impact. Remember, one planted, one watered, and God gives the increase. A "True Sower" is gifted to both plant and water the seeds. The testimony of the lives you touch and impact for greater are the "Seeds of Life," not for profit or show. 

Our youth and young-adults are the "Heart-beat" of Jesus. Make an impact in a life!

Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus,

Cynthia R. Kelly
God's Humble Servant
Evangelist - International Author

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